Pollution Consent

KJ Steels is a company driven by demand of its customers and it caters to meet thier needs having ambitious expansion plans in the near future.

In our brief journey since inception, KJ Steels has progressed well and has achieved many milestones. The Company brings to our valued customers throughout india, the world's best technology for manufacturing coated steel, steel building’s solutions and related building products. It has been our continuous endeavor to promote safety values and concern for Environment and Community Health to our employees as well as customers. Our goal is to create 'Zero Harm'.

Across the globe, building construction companies use steel, the widely used metal, for all building purposes. This has yet to find popularity in the Indian subcontinent. In the last few years, we have made progress in this area and have achieved a satisfied customer base. Using the versatility and beauty of steel, the company is continuously striving for better safety standards in construction, innovation, new products, technology advancement and better usage of existing technology. Kj Steels is heralding a revolution in the construction industry and we look forward to moving ahead with your support.